May 2008

May 2
cause is not reason

It is easy to fall into the trap of believing that causation means intentionality. Lots of things happen where you can trace the chain of events, see exactly how one thing leads to another, and all of these things could be devoid of intention. While each decision may be made by a rational agent, the sum is not greater than its parts.

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May 2
all there is

lightning strikes
end points and infinities
waves and foam
the clouds coruscating against the setting sunlight
a gull takes to wing
fluttering, fading beyond the horizon

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May 2
difficulties with obtaining a full physical exam

A man was seen by his doctor.

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May 3
epigastric abdominal pain

It could just be acid-reflux. I could just have a gastric ulcer.

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May 4
at the edge of the sea

there is no one left in the world
that i can hold onto
there is really no one left at all
there is only you
and if you leave me now
you leave all that we were
there is really no-one left
you are the only one
—"Trust" by the Cure

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May 4
all i need is a map and a set of wheels

Fear and panic in the air.
I want to be free
from desolation and despair.
And I feel like everything I saw
is being swept away
when I refuse to let you go.

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May 5
killing me softly with her song

A little more than a week ago, I watched Lea Salonga perform at Harrah's Rincon.

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May 6
get this right

I don't know. Maybe S. is right. Maybe the last 3 years 10 months have finally caught up to me.

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May 6
color me frustrated

I first found this test (or a variation of it) back in 2002 while I was in the throes of studying for Step 1 of the USMLE and dealing with the fact that E didn't like me in That Way™. I'm not sure if this test is even vaguely validated by any sort of study, but it's entertaining nonetheless. I can already tell that it's highly susceptible to the Forer effect, but whatever. You can find meaning wherever you want to. That's what the human brain does, after all.

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May 6
risk-benefit analysis

It all comes down to this: how much does this matter to me? If I can't survive without it, then I've got to reel in all my lines and just aim straight for the target. Do-or-die. No quarter given.

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May 7
bizarre stimuli

How did this all begin? That's probably too much to figure out in one night, particularly one where I'm at work. I'll just pick at a single thread in the tapestry. Eventually it'll all unravel.

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May 8
hypothesis about population genetics

OK, well, I haven't really done integrative biology in a long time, so I'm probably grossly misusing terminology.

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May 9
3 am eternal

I really should sleep, but the sensation of burning acid in my gullet makes me wary about lying down supine again. I suppose an extra pillow should suffice, but I'd have to dig through the disaster that is my bedroom.

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May 9
on the other side of the burn

I tend to pinpoint my inability to trust people on a single catastrophic event (the dissolution of a relationship), but now that I think hard about it, I wonder if I've always been distrusting. Some would say perhaps paranoid.

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May 11
the intersection of pop music and medicine

There are two units in the hospital that tend to get a particular song stuck in my head.

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May 11
layers not versions

Josh Catone writes against the existence of Web 3.0, arguing that the version numbers don't really depict any specific discontinuities the way that real major version changes would.

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May 12
nothing too terrible/still irritating

The Lakers fought a pitched battle against the Jazz, despite their captain and MVP being injured early in the game. Twice they closed a ≥10 pt gap, only to fall behind again due to some bad breaks and insanely lucky shots on the part of the Jazz, and the fact that Kobe's game was totally whack because of that back injury. I think it would've been less disappointing if they had gotten blown out instead. Then I would've just turned it off in the second quarter

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May 12
pacific coast highway

So I just got back to S.D. from Harbor City, where my uncle and my godmother live. The quickest way back would involve backtracking to the 405, and then heading south directly to the 5, or via the 73 toll road:

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May 12
wrong city/wrong season/wrong weather/no matter

This is from Brooklyn…

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May 12
reminiscing/high school days

Whenever I hear this song, I can still feel those cold autumn early mornings after pulling an all-nighter, writing an English paper or a History paper, fully saturated with caffeine (a total of 230 mg would usually tide me over), with no one but Sluggo on KROQ to keep me company.

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May 13
easier said than done/15 years/too little, too late

I seem to be stuck in a time warp.

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May 13
brain on fire

OK, so maybe it was a little counter-productive to only sleep for four hours last night. I felt compelled to finish my blog entry, even though the ending of it was probably too rushed, and a little forced. So it wasn't until 2 a.m. that I finally surrendered and went to bed. Unfortunately, I had to wake up at 6 a.m. today. (It's going to be even worse tomorrow.)

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May 13

15 years: 5,480 sunsets
the days spin by, the hours whirl
blurring into infinity
and I can't remember where I've been
nor all the answers that I figured out
falling out of my hands
scattered wildly like spilled grain
as I was, so I will be
upon this path to nowhere
to anywhere

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May 15
infectious diseases and other medical conditions as a source of band names

While I was writing a consult note today, I was highly amused by the word "mucormycosis." There is something lyrical about it's dactyl-trochee stress pattern. "Myxomatosis" (which features most prominently as a Radiohead track from Hail to the Thief) is also a dactyl-trochee combo.

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May 16
small revelation

I have been concentrating very hard on the Art of Not Wanting, and despite all my effort, my brain is still wrapped around a lot of crazy and insane ideas that are completely out of my control. My stomach gurgles with the sound of reflux, and I get bouts of epigastric abdominal pain. I can't sleep very well. My eating habits have become even more unhealthy than before, which I didn't think was possible.

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May 16
choose life/too long for a twitter blast

Even if you believe in the afterlife, that's no excuse to fuck things up in this life. Telling people that it'll be OK when we get to heaven is a cop-out. If you really cared, you'd make things better now

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May 18
amanda chapel is a racist!/my 1st racial incident on the web

OK, this is what I get for feeding a well known, long-lived internet troll.

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May 18
bullshit diversity/code triage/first against the wall

Wow. Just, wow.

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May 18
random thoughts on ip

I have, curiously enough, been thinking about IP for quite a long time. It all started when I had my 8-bit Commodore 64 running at 1 MHz (that's right 1 megahertz. More than 1,000 times slower than the slowest computer you can buy new today.)

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May 19
memetic transposon/yay area in da house ftw

The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: How the Valley put Obama over the top, via hellofriend, via cajunboy, via caro, via claudia, via britticisms, via soupsoup, via seriouslythough, via poortaste, via ayÅŸe.

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May 19
crazy pills/we'll run out of roads before we run out of internet

I'm not even gonna mention a certain fucktard's pseudonym, because you all know who I'm talking about. It irks me that people take sock-puppets seriously. But what are you gonna do. Some people just enjoy being lied to.

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May 20
the public is unmerciful/origin of the health care crisis

I learned about the sordid history of health care and health insurance while writing a paper in college for a two unit class that was pass/not-pass (and therefore useless to my GPA.) It forever opened my eyes to the lunacy that we loosely term health care in America.

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May 20
bad patient registry

The idea of being able to review your primary care physician and leave a comment online is a little unnerving for me. I know for a fact that not everyone can like me, and many patients will just be put off by my approach no matter what I do. But you gotta be true to yourself, and you can't please everyone all the time.

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May 20

Throwbacks stuck in the '80s seem to have a hard time accepting the Brave New World™ we find ourselves in. I'm not preaching some magical transformation of human nature. It's just that the game has changed. There's a transition under way, and we are slowly weaning ourselves from the past.

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May 21
why end-stage liver disease patients should not take viagra

Found on my iGoogle page, with elaborations:

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May 21
trust revisited

Having a brief conversation with @anodyne2art on Twitter with regards to my post about trust, and while it's true, the buzzwords are authenticity and honesty, I think these are only tangentially related. Trust probably has more to do with transparency, but it's not quite that either.

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May 25
chart abbreviation or not?

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May 25
institutionalized racism in the 21st century

Disturbing blog post about how white blue-collar workers supposedly won't vote for Obama if HRC doesn't get the nomination.

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May 25
web 2.0 and disintermediation

Now, Amanda Chapel's agenda is pretty transparent. She (or, more precisely, the anonymous people that created her) is trying to keep her job relevant.

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May 26

chewing on the frayed ends of old, worn threads
of choice, of chance, of fate, of hope, of dreams
wondering where my free-will ends, this cup
passing, where destiny begins, takes shape
takes form, did it not matter, or do these
things still shift, still split, still slip, twist, and bend
this far out, this late in the game, now in
overtime, with seconds to go, and still…

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May 27
this way lies madness

Cassandra whispers to me of disaster and catastrophe:
"Harden your heart, o wanderer
the road is long, the horizon far
no surcease of sorrow shall come to succor thee,
no hope of rescue, of salvation, of love
through the grey desert thou shalt tread
alone, forsaken, unlooked for, unwanted, unmissed."

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May 29
jacta alea est

the die is cast, the cards laid down on the table
the flop, the turn, the river, but it's the pocket that matters
and you don't know what she's got
you're crossing your fingers and holding your breath
trying your damnedest not to give away a tell

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