tags: when May comes rushing over you



2003 May 13
The Promise of New Beginnings

It isn't until now that I appreciate the deceptive nature of the month of May. I suppose that, ever since I was a child, May has always meant endings, but also, the promise of new beginnings. The final full month of school, with glimpses of summer ahead. But I've grown to learn that, more often than not, such promises [don't] come to fruition.

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2003 May 13
False Promise

May has always been fraught with false promise
    dreams of love
        fire, hope
Conceived in the cradle of springs
Grown gravid then stillborn come cold winter
        And STILL I wish.

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2006 May 26
may, might, shoulda, coulda

I think I probably wrote this somewhere else before, but I always find the month of May filled with possibilities. I have always identified it with the end of the academic year, with graduations, with confirmations, with Pentecost. The point of transition, the time when the old order slows down, and the hint of new beginnings tantalizes.

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