tags: movies
- 2001 Oct 24
- Jack the Ripper
Johnny Depp, laudanum and absinthe, pathology and clinical neuroscience, Freemasonry. It’s got it all.
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- 2003 Sep 1
- movie watch
“Gigli”, “Excess Baggage”.
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- 2006 Mar 24
- ladyhawke
Watching this on cable right now. The soundtrack is awesome. It sounds like a cRPG soundtrack, like an early Final Fantasy. I dig the electronic underpinnings that, while echoing the disco feel carried out of the ‘70’s into the early ‘80’s, also reminds me of the sound chips of the early microcomputers/personal computers like the SID chip of the Commodore 64 and the more primitive sound generators found in other 8-bit classic machines like the Atari 400, the Apple IIc, and the Nintendo Entertainment System.
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- 2006 Apr 8
- Nausicaä of the Valley of the Winds
Watching the Disney redub on the Cartoon Network right now. I still think it’s pretty cool. The first time I watched it was as a fansub in 1999, I think. I don’t know if being in the original Japanese makes it just seem more epic or something, although at least the Disney version doesn’t have any cuts like the first dubbed version which most Miyazaki fans find completely abhorrent.
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- 2006 Sep 30
- yin and yang (i heart huckabees)
I was watching “I Heart Huckabees” and dug the simplified dichotomy of relentless interconnection and infinite meaning versus eternal alienation and complete senselessness. The main character rightly discovers that one cannot exist without the other, and that both simultaneously operate. In essence, it was Taoism redux. There is no life without death, no creation without destruction, and all that jazz.
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- 2006 Dec 1
- the first of the last (to sleep, perchance to dream)
(The track that is currently playing is "The Perfect Kiss" by New Order)
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- 2007 Feb 25
- a hundred million things
Two days off in a row is a rare boon, almost a vacation, considering the breakneck schedule I’ve been running on as of late, averaging about 80 hours a week. The downside is that I have to work 12 days in a row, which basically just really sucks. Around day 10 I start getting extremely cranky, and by day 11 I’m ready to bite people. But I can’t do anything about it except call in sick, which is, at times, tempting.
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- 2007 Apr 3
- the children of húrin and the curse of the golden flower
I just occurred to me the superficial similarities between the story of Túrin Turambar and the movie ”The Curse of the Golden Flower”. The most obvious similarity is the incest (Crown Prince Wan isn’t just porking his sister, he’s also doing his stepmother!) but the idea of curses and of gold also resonates. In the movie, the golden chrysanthemum becomes the doomed standard of Prince Jai, while in the story, the golden hoard of Glaurung becomes a curse to Thingol, king of Doriath.
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- 2007 May 27
- sand pebbles
I just finished watching ”Sand Pebbles” which stars Steve McQueen, and it’s a brilliant, intricately subtle anti-war movie that has excruciatingly painful relevance to the present day absurdity of the continued occupation of Iraq by the U.S. “Sand Pebbles” chronicles the tribulations of Jake Holman, an engineer in the U.S. Navy assigned to a gunboat patrolling the Yangtze. The setting is China during the tumultous revolutionary era, as Chiang Kai-shek attempts to oust the warlords whom the western powers support. The specter of Soviet involvement looms large, and so the U.S. characteristically sticks its nose into something that they probably shouldn’t have. Getting involved in other nations’ civil wars seems to be a pretty bad idea if you ask me.
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- 2007 Jul 1
- where are they now?
My sister informs me of the fates of a couple of child actresses from the Shelly Long movie ”Troop Beverly Hills“ [IMDb][Wikipedia]
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- 2007 Oct 5
- interweaving patterns everywhere
You can always find a bit of synchronicity if you look hard enough. Also known as the Forer Effect.
· Read more… - 2007 Oct 7
- synchronicity: two is only a coincidence
I find it funny that I’ve never heard of Michelle Monaghan before, and all of the sudden this weekend I’ve watched two movies she stars in: ”The Heartbreak Kid” and ”Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang”
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- 2010 Jan 23
- the book of eli SPOILER
You remember how Ray Bradbury sued Michael Moore for just using the title "Fahrenheit 911"? Well, I hope Ray Bradbury doesn't sue the Hughes Brothers for stealing a major conceit from the book.
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