
I'm not really all that mysterious

yin and yang (i heart huckabees)

I was watching “I Heart Huckabees” and dug the simplified dichotomy of relentless interconnection and infinite meaning versus eternal alienation and complete senselessness. The main character rightly discovers that one cannot exist without the other, and that both simultaneously operate. In essence, it was Taoism redux. There is no life without death, no creation without destruction, and all that jazz.

The other thing that I found a little haunting was Albert’s realization that Dustin Hoffman/Lily Tomlin and Isabelle Huppert, who now espouse opposite philosophies, seem to have worked together in the past, that there was some sort of miscommunication, and this lead to the fracturing of their philosophies. Each half is an occluded mistruth (to steal some pseudo-Gnostic terminology from Phillip K Dick.) Interestingly, this echoes some of the cosmologies of ancient African people: in the beginning was One, that by some trauma or dysfunction, split into Two.

I especially liked his use of the term “fractured.”

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