memories for Apr 13
Since Middle Earth is really just supposed to be Earth, this means that The Lord of the Rings and "The Matrix" happen in the same universe. Agent Smith is really just Elrond after he went totally insane after countless millenia. And just like elves, agents cannot leave their plane of existence like humans can.
· Read more…While I totally agree that Clinton is closer to the center than Sanders is, they're still both far to the left of guys like Kasich, Rubio, or Jeb!
· Read more…2012
Ugh. Dreamt of a [what-if situation][1], of a missed chance (or maybe it was always just in my head) that left my heart aching when I awoke and realized that it never happened that way, that it was all just wishful thinking.
· Read more…2008
my heart misgives me
and yet this vigil I must keep
through the long dark night alone I gaze upon the stars
For some reason, old songs I haven't thought of for a while suddenly sprang forth from my memory.
· Read more…2007
Despite the fact that I’ve been trapped in a world-building exercise for the past 18 years, I completely agree with M John Harrison’s assessment that world-building is unnecessary in order to tell a good story, and that world-building is the pinnacle of uselessness: you are creating a literal description of a world that doesn’t even exist.
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There is a song in here somewhere
caught in the convolutions of my heart
the tortuous paths, the cliffdrops, the lonely summits
the bitter abysses, this vast desert of ruin
This wasteland of decay
(From my cousin <a href=" title="myspace">J™)
· Read more…2005
I don't know why I care, but times like these, I'd like to know why I'm as brain damaged as I am. Having self-diagnosed myself with executive dysfunction syndrome after reading this book, I wonder if it's simply something congenital, or if I really had a hypoxic event when I was anesthetized as a little kid for my tonsillectomy. Not that I'm interested in suing anyone, but I think it would be interesting to know. After all, I think I'm relatively pretty functional, with the occasional nervous breakdown now and again. I don't know, if I was brain damaged, I could probably be a poster child for how you can recover from very subtle mental deficits.
· Read more…2004
(WARNING: this entry promises to be very disjointed and long and possibly boring. Despite the line breaks, this is not a poem
· Read more…2001
Adding more shit to the crapper known as the Internet.
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