
I'm not really all that mysterious

mindtrace (i'm getting better)

Maybe this story of fighter planes with nukes accidentally left on board flying over the U.S. was the genesis of one of the dreams I had the other day.

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

trying to achieve escape velocity (retrospective: 10 years ago)

I’m not really sure what triggered this strange mood of mine. My mind wanders back to the end of my college days, unearthing a lot of bittersweet memories. (And do I even have any memories that just have the sweet and not the bitter?)

Ever since junior high, and perhaps even farther back than that, I’ve found that I have a habit of keeping track of time by tying events together with songs that were popular at the time. For a while, me and my friends from college would compile our yearly “best-of” playlist and share them, but we haven’t done it in a while now.

Even though iTunes makes managing music pretty painless, I think there is still something to the art of making a mixtape mix CD mp3 playlist. Not quite as challenging as actually mixing perhaps, but I think some of the principles are the same.

In any case, back to 1997:

Boyz II Men “4 Seasons of Loneliness”

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Janet Jackson “Every Time” (Bah, I can’t find a decent version of the video on YouTube)

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Laurnea “Can’t Let Go”

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posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

even farther back

1995: Deep wounds. Ugly scars. And then: new, unfounded hopes and unfulfillable wishes. I learn a secret that, in the end, fucks me up bad, but which I am bound by honor to keep. (And would the outcome really have changed if I had betrayed it? Except for the damnation of my soul?)

TLC “Waterfalls” (A piece of advice that I didn’t follow when it may have helped me)


4xample “I’d Rather Be Alone” (The beginning is set in Union Station between Downtown L.A. and Chinatown, across the street from the site of the first settlement.)


Terry Ellis (of En Vogue) “Where Ever You Are”


3T “Anything” (Here is where this blog’s protagonist goes berserk. For the next three years twelve years and counting)


4 P.M. “Sukiyaki” (Applicable to more than one of my pathetic stories about my life)

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posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

youtube candy

Before I find myself dragged back down into the pit of self-pity as I reminisce rather mawkishly, I thought I would share some mashups that I thought were particularly clever.

Maroon 5 doing a mashup of The Police “So Lonely” with Akon “Don’t Matter” and R Kelly “Ignition”

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Lily Allen “Smile” mashed-up with The Cure “Lullaby”

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Pussycat Dolls “Don’t Cha”, Justin Timberlake “Sexyback”, and Akon “Smack That”

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posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

the downward spiral

How did I get here?

How do I leave?

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

arcade fire "no cars go"

I left work this morning singing that line: “Between the click of the light and the start of the dream.” Orion gleamed through the clouds. The crescent moon was rising, and Venus also glittered in the east like a jewel, heralding the rising sun in less than an hour.

I tried not to think about eating shit on the freeway, but my reaction time just ain’t what it should be at 5 am in the morning after not sleeping. I’m still intact, though.

I thought about how the only place lately that I’m not sad is when I’m at work. I don’t have any time to ruminate over the past since I’m so busy.

I am curious to know why this all popped up all of the sudden.

There is clearly something wrong with my brain.

Arcade Fire • No Cars Go

We know a place where no planes go
We know a place where no ships go

Hey! No cars go
Hey! No cars go
where we know
We know a place no spaceships go
We know a place where no subs go

Hey! No cars go
Hey! No cars go
where we know

Now go!
Hey! Us kids know
Hey! No cars go
where we know
Between the click of the light and the start of the dream
Between the click of the light and the start of the dream
Between the click of the light and the start of the dream
Between the click of the light and the start of the dream

Little babies, let’s go!
Women and children! Let’s go!
Old folks, let’s go! Don’t know where we’re goin’…

That last part always sends chills down the spine of my back, like it’s the crescendo to some awesome climax. I dig it.

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga