
I'm not really all that mysterious

even farther back

1995: Deep wounds. Ugly scars. And then: new, unfounded hopes and unfulfillable wishes. I learn a secret that, in the end, fucks me up bad, but which I am bound by honor to keep. (And would the outcome really have changed if I had betrayed it? Except for the damnation of my soul?)

TLC “Waterfalls” (A piece of advice that I didn’t follow when it may have helped me)


4xample “I’d Rather Be Alone” (The beginning is set in Union Station between Downtown L.A. and Chinatown, across the street from the site of the first settlement.)


Terry Ellis (of En Vogue) “Where Ever You Are”


3T “Anything” (Here is where this blog’s protagonist goes berserk. For the next three years twelve years and counting)


4 P.M. “Sukiyaki” (Applicable to more than one of my pathetic stories about my life)

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