
I'm not really all that mysterious

cultivating stillness: the art of not wanting revisited

I stumbled upon this book entitled Cultivating Stillness in the Eastern Religions section of Borders and immediately felt peace descend upon me before I even opened it up. It is a Taoist text, but with a little more mysticism about it.

I don’t know if it’s because I’ve managed to imbibe some of the tenets of Taoism, and perhaps the principles are somewhere embedded in my mind amidst the tumult and chaos. It felt like all the little niggling doubts dancing around my brain were suddenly put into perspective. Sure, they’re still there, but it’s like the volume was muted a little bit.

But back to the chaos, at least for a little while: I need to remind myself to be careful about trying to read in between the lines. I’m apt to find something there that isn’t actually there, which is certain to drag me into a vortex.

As they say, you can’t put the shit back into the horse.

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