Complex Processes
All complex processes (life, economies, the Internet) occur upon a matrix of complexly organized homologous units that, observed in short time scales, appear to defy the laws of thermodynamics.
The units (which need a name) exhibit complex behavior that is not necessarily [akin] to the phenomenon which utilize them and which in fact [are universes unto themselves]
The Discontinuous Universe—the truth about discreteness, mathematical catastrophes, and quantum foam.
Dual controlled regulation of quantum states—all reality is held constant by observation—evolutionary dialectic of discreteness—which came first, discontinuity or the observer? Since one is dictated by the other…
The [correlation] between large scale phenomena and small scale phenomena is…
- a product of our [the observer’s] imagination—pattern recognition gone awry
- true identity—the observer’s senses obscure the simplicity
- dictated by external rulesets that favor convergent evolution of otherwise distinct phenomena (examples of these phenomena: atoms and solar systems, fractals, complexity of life…)
I favor [the third explanation]. The putative ruleset is thermodynamics
These units are built from even more elementary particles that undoubtedly likewise exhibit complex behavior that has no direct bearing upon unit behavior except as parameters… the encapsulation of nature.