
I'm not really all that mysterious

Art Ideas

The red giant eats the world

An electromicrograph-like etching of a 2D flower and the sky stained red.

<img src="/pics/drawings/red-giant-eats-the-world.JPG/ alt="Red Giant Eats the World" />
Failure to thrive

A blue capped mushroom apparently fleeing but toppling

<img src="/pics/drawings/ftt-1.JPG/ alt="Failure to Thrive • Unus" /> <img src="/pics/drawings/ftt-2.JPG/ alt="Failure to Thrive • Secundus" />
See Me?

Distinct linear, colorful borders surrounding a murky impressionistic (in terms of technique)/cubist (in terms of imagery)—or maybe [it's more] Gary Larson-ish?

See Me?

The portrait is probably monochromic (slighly pink, again, electron micrograph-like)

[The frame is composed of] colored quasi-triangles

At the interface [between the frame and the portrait, the quasi-triangles] get more particulate and as you go further along, get more monochromic.

The lines [of the quasi-triangles] are constructed of RBC-looking particles in an illusion of 3D where the center of the lines appear to be more densely populated (i.e., stacked) than the margins.

RBC-looking particles
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