
I'm not really all that mysterious

Complex Processes

All complex processes (life, economies, the Internet) occur upon a matrix of complexly organized homologous units that, observed in short time scales, appear to defy the laws of thermodynamics.

The units (which need a name) exhibit complex behavior that is not necessarily [akin] to the phenomenon which utilize them and which in fact [are universes unto themselves]


The Discontinuous Universe—the truth about discreteness, mathematical catastrophes, and quantum foam.

Dual controlled regulation of quantum states—all reality is held constant by observation—evolutionary dialectic of discreteness—which came first, discontinuity or the observer? Since one is dictated by the other…

The [correlation] between large scale phenomena and small scale phenomena is…

  1. a product of our [the observer’s] imagination—pattern recognition gone awry
  2. true identity—the observer’s senses obscure the simplicity
  3. dictated by external rulesets that favor convergent evolution of otherwise distinct phenomena (examples of these phenomena: atoms and solar systems, fractals, complexity of life…)

I favor [the third explanation]. The putative ruleset is thermodynamics

These units are built from even more elementary particles that undoubtedly likewise exhibit complex behavior that has no direct bearing upon unit behavior except as parameters… the encapsulation of nature.

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

Art Ideas

The red giant eats the world

An electromicrograph-like etching of a 2D flower and the sky stained red.

<img src="/pics/drawings/red-giant-eats-the-world.JPG/ alt="Red Giant Eats the World" />
Failure to thrive

A blue capped mushroom apparently fleeing but toppling

<img src="/pics/drawings/ftt-1.JPG/ alt="Failure to Thrive • Unus" /> <img src="/pics/drawings/ftt-2.JPG/ alt="Failure to Thrive • Secundus" />
See Me?

Distinct linear, colorful borders surrounding a murky impressionistic (in terms of technique)/cubist (in terms of imagery)—or maybe [it's more] Gary Larson-ish?

See Me?

The portrait is probably monochromic (slighly pink, again, electron micrograph-like)

[The frame is composed of] colored quasi-triangles

At the interface [between the frame and the portrait, the quasi-triangles] get more particulate and as you go further along, get more monochromic.

The lines [of the quasi-triangles] are constructed of RBC-looking particles in an illusion of 3D where the center of the lines appear to be more densely populated (i.e., stacked) than the margins.

RBC-looking particles
posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

I Know My Desire

I know my desire
and yet I do not know
how I can make it Be

I know how my heart skips
my soul hums
my brain catches fire
                    I am

I am

  And yet I do not know
         If I can Be If I can stand
          and try and go
         how I can be
         these things I need to be

For I am afraid of the silence
    of gasping for air
    not knowing the words to write
            the song to sing
          But this, I suppose, is what it means to Be

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

Hope - First Draft

is sweet  honey
but is also      like
                bee stings in my mouth

painful I wish it didn't wasn't, but… nonetheless Here

I am dreaming can’t not dream


wasting days and days and days away

While letting

as sunlight fades,


time escapes,


cold winter comes


Perhaps faith faith will must will guide me lead me down my path

But Doom

Or random chance
     could it be

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

Hope - Final

is sweet honey
but is also bee stings in my mouth

Still, I must dream
wasting away
as sunlight fades,
  each hour escapes,
 and winter comes

Perhaps   faith will lead me down my path
Or could it be

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga



Like it or not,
the Sun does not care
whether we
are in the mood to wake

So take your dreams
and hide them quickly
       remember them
ere they fade
and you must face the day

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga