tags: macosx
- 2003 Nov 1
- exposé
Can I tell you, when Panther (MacOSX 10.3) was released, I moseyed on over to the Apple Store at the Glendale Galleria and played around with Exposé For those who haven't heard, Exposé is Apple's innovative desktop management solution. With a touch of a button, all your windows get scaled down and artfully tiled so that you can see all your apps. It may not sound like much, but, seriously, go to your nearby Apple Store or other Apple retail vendor, and play with the new OSX. (Alternatively, just check out the Quicktime demo of Exposéon apple.com.) The first time I hit F9, I think I almost orgasmed (yeah, yeah, I know, too much information.) It's soo cool.
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- 2004 Jan 9
- what is macosx?
A good overview of Mac OS X intended to dispel certain misconceptions. The author assumes you have a good grounding in various operating systems, particularly UNIX or UNIX-like OSes.
· Read more… - 2004 Jan 10
- compiling gaim with ssl
in order for gaim to connect to MSN, you need to have some form of SSL compiled in. I hear that mozilla's headers contain what you need, but the instructions to compile gaim with ssl by mike styne (as recommended by the gaim maintainers) describe compiling it on OS X with gnutls. good luck, and may the source be with you. (sorry, I couldn't resist.)
· Read more… - 2004 Jan 29
- iBook logic board repair extension program
for all you unfortunate folk who purchased an iBook between May 2002 and April 2003, this program is for you.
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- 2004 Feb 15
- adventures with QT/Mac and KDE
I have embarked on a quest to compile KDE against QT/Mac so that I can run KDE apps natively instead of running them with X.
· Read more… - 2004 Feb 15
- QT/Mac and arts
in the ongoing saga of getting KDE to build against QT/Mac, I have been following Ranger Rick's instructions on how to build KDE against QT/Mac yourself. the first hurdle was arts. after some kludgery, I came up with this configure command:
· Read more… - 2004 Feb 15
- QT/Mac and kdelibs
in trying to configure kdelibs, I ran across this problem with
· Read more…net/if.h
(which is, again, present in other applications being ported to OSX) - 2004 Feb 15
- QT/Mac and kdelibs (Part 2)
- 2004 Feb 15
- forgot something (QT/Mac and KDE cont.)
of course, to save much pain and misery, you can use the scripts provided by Ranger Rick for building KDE, which includes
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, which will figure out the proper flags and library locations for you. He also included some patches, but I haven't gotten them to apply cleanly to the CVS versions of the kde modules.
- 2004 Apr 4
- emacs carbon
Don't ask me how I got here, but trying to install GNOME 2.6 on my iBook running Panther is taking me to really strange places.
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- 2004 Aug 10
- market share is bogus
When you enter certain realsm, such as computers, normal measures of profability are completely unreliable. It makes sense to think of market share if you're selling, let's say, Coca-Cola, but as luxury car manufacturers will tell you, who otherwise really cares? After all, the measure of a successful business has never been market share. (Would you really have considered the U.S. Postal Service—prior to privatization—a successful business despite having a market share of nearly 100%?) Success is and always has been measured by profitability, and if your balance sheet has more black ink than red at the end of the year without having to resort to Enron-like tactics, then that's a pretty good success.
· Read more… - 2004 Aug 10
- leverage and the ipod
John Gruber's essay on Daring Fireball about the mythical Apple vs. Microsoft conflict illuminates the late history of the personal computer. Few probably remember that before the Macintosh and before MS-DOS—in the early history of the personal computer—there were several personal computer vendors such as Commodore, Tandy, Atari, as well as the IBM (with their PC) and Apple (with the Apple II) and they all pretty much had similar market shares. Homogenization was only apparent in the business world, and back in the day, personal computer was more synonymous with home use. From the business perspective, IBM (later supplanted by the combination of Intel and Microsoft) was really just breaking into a market previously dominated by UNIX and CP/M, which, in reality, is a wholly different paradigm compared to what personal computers had been up to that time.
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- 2005 Feb 6
- mac mini
Now, mind you, I don't have one of these myself, although I am currently saving up for it. A review of the Mac Mini entitled "The Emperor's New Computer" has been penned by Jorge Lopez, a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, which rehashes a lot of strawmen arguments about Apple Computers in general that have been circulating since the early '90's by Windows/x86 die-hards. I couldn't help wonder if this wasn't a piece of satire, since the arguments are way off base.
· Read more… - 2005 Feb 20
- bluetooth ipods
I knew it was only a matter of time. Bluetooth-enabled iPods. (It's only a rumor.)
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