tags: FDR



2002 Feb 27
Clinical Significance?

The vicissitudes and vagaries of world history, from the perspective of a prospective forensic pathologist. (OK, probably not. I really don’t like dead people, much less cutting them up.)

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2008 Mar 4
franklin delano roosevelt and barack hussein obama

This morning NPR's Renee Montagne interviewed Donald Ritchie, author of Electing FDR: The New Deal Campaign of 1932. He seems to implicitly, tacitly compare FDR to Obama, noting that when FDR was campaigning, he stuck to a message of optimism, without getting mired in the specifics. He also pointed out that in 1932, the choice seemed to be between FDR's message of hope and Herbert Hoover's message of fear.

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2016 Feb 19
Executive Order 9066

Seventy-four years ago, FDR issued Executive Order 9066, which rounded up Japanese Americans and imprisoned them in camps, against the advice of the Office of Naval Intelligence and despite the fact that the FBI felt confident they had already arrested any potential subversives.

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