tags: duty
- 2006 Nov 1
- there is a thought struggling to crawl out of my mind
I don’t know if it’s just the psychotropic drugs, but I feel like I’m evading something lurking in my brain. Something that I’ve tried to face down head-to-head, only to find myself defeated each and every time. So like the coward that I am, I’ve decided to try to just runaway from it and ignore it.
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- 2007 Mar 26
- treacherous conniving always beats a frank show of force (a discussion of duty and honor)
By various convolutions, I am led to the old, laughable screed by Kim du Toit entitled ”The pussification of the western male” written way back in 2003. I find what he says so ridiculous that I have a hard time believing that this guy is serious.
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- 2012 Jan 24
- love and duty
A lot of stories pit love against duty, making them completely antithetical to each other, because we live in a culture that says you should never do something you don't want to. But, just from observation, sometimes love truly arises from duty, and a sense of duty can be kindled by love, and eventually you can't tell which comes first, and which arises from the other.
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