memories for Dec 30
(Inspired by a post comparing the mythology of Middle Earth with the Star Wars Expanded Universe)
· Read more…The Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics implies that in some alternate timeline, Jodorowsky managed to release "Dune" before "Star Wars", making subsequent science fiction movies look nothing at all like the ones we have in our own timeline.
· Read more…Given the fact that the Dark Side of the Force (as the Sith, the Empire, or the First Order) always build a planet-destroying weapon that has a single point of failure and the Light Side of the Force (as the Jedi Council, the Rebel Alliance, or the Resistance) always manages to destroy it, I've started to see "Star Wars" as a version of the myth of Sisyphus.
· Read more…2007
Steve Yegge's rant about huge code bases and how Java exacerbates the problem is definitely circulating the internets. Jeff Atwood at Coding Horror chimes in and agrees wholeheartedly.
· Read more…2003
I had a really bizarre dream last night. I will try to relate it "chronologically," meaning, in the order that I remember events, but anyone who has ever had a vivid dream can tell you this is utterly futile.
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