memories for Mar 4
Technology has advanced significantly and OS versions seem to be released at a faster and faster pace and it just occurred to me that iOS is on the same version number as the last classic (non-NEXTSTEP-based) Mac OS release.
· Read more…Dr. Carson finally decides to withdraw care from his campaign.
· Read more…Trying to close down some of the open tabs in Chrome.
· Read more…2011
I just came back from watching "The Adjustment Bureau" and was sufficiently entertained. It did have its slow parts, and the trailers did set me up to expect something subtly different, but I still liked it.
· Read more…2008
The great thing about running UNIX is that it's like running around with a loaded gun rocket-launcher with a hair trigger. One of the things that frustrated me the most with Windows is that if something broke, the only reasonable solution was to reformat your hard drive and reinstall.
This morning NPR's Renee Montagne interviewed Donald Ritchie, author of Electing FDR: The New Deal Campaign of 1932. He seems to implicitly, tacitly compare FDR to Obama, noting that when FDR was campaigning, he stuck to a message of optimism, without getting mired in the specifics. He also pointed out that in 1932, the choice seemed to be between FDR's message of hope and Herbert Hoover's message of fear.
· Read more…2007
In contrast to The Lord of the Rings and Middle Earth, where magic remains mysterious and arcane and it is never explained and dissected, there seems to be a tendency to technologize—or at least scientify—magic in more recent works of fantasy. In various worlds, magic is seen as a substance, a commodity, that can be altered, stored, and redistributed.
· Read more…2004
I wish I wouldn't be so heavy handed, melodramatic, and dead-serious philosophical about all this, but, well, one problem at a time, I suppose….
· Read more…On the way to work in the morning, I've opted to take a street that has four names, maybe five depending on which way you believe it goes. Maybe even six.
· Read more…I first came across this song as I drove across New Mexico. I had originally ripped
Navel gazing as the storm broods outside my doorstep.
· Read more…2002
Not to be melodramatic or pessimistic, but I wonder if it could happen. If one day all of the sudden, I might just finally snap and have to be carted off to the loony bin.
· Read more…“I would like a place I could call my own/Have a conversation on the telephone/Wake up every day it would be a start/I would not complain of my wounded heart.”
· Read more…