
I'm not really all that mysterious

how do you know we're not in a simulation?

I just came back from watching “The Adjustment Bureau” and was sufficiently entertained. It did have its slow parts, and the trailers did set me up to expect something subtly different, but I still liked it.

But the trailers do give away most of the structure of the in-film universe. If you’ve watched “Dark City”, it actually doesn’t really cover much new ground.

I think I liked it so much because it serves as a capstone for all the short stories I’ve been reading recently that touch upon similar themes.

The idea of fate versus chance frequently enters into my mind.

The other thing is that I’ve been playing The Sims 3 a lot lately. I’ve always been a sucker for these types of games which give you god-like abilities. One of the first I ever played was Populous, but I’ve played all the Sim City games, and all the Civilization games. I’ve spent quite a few hours “adjusting” simulated humans, although I think I’ve finally got it out of my system for a while.

Then I came across the science fiction short story “Ouroboros” by Geoffrey Landis, which deals with the hypothesis that if we lived in a simulation, there’d be no way to prove that we lived in a simulation. Another science fiction short story that I recently read deals with the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, entitled “I Was Almost Your Mother” by Ian Creasey, specifically about the idea of travelling between those alternate worlds.

“If only…” is one of my favorite phrases.

But I’m hardly coherent at this point. It’s been a long week, and I need to clear my mind somehow.

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