
I'm not really all that mysterious

Some Things in Life Cannot Be Fixed

The phrase “everything happens for a reason” used to infuriate me…

…to ascribe benign intentionality to the most awful of human suffering is simply sick and wrong.

My Mind is on Overdrive • 2007 Sep 27 • mahiwaga

…but these days, it just seems silly.

Everything happens for a reason but sometimes that reason is I’m stupid and make poor decisions.

Everything Happens for a Reason But Sometimes That Reason is I’m Stupid and Make Poor Decisions • 2014 Jun 15 • mahiwaga

Mostly, though, when things are going bad, I don’t think it’s very helpful. When the going gets tough, it just seems like a fatalistic point-of-view where your will doesn’t really matter and you’re just going to get trampled by Fate (or Doom) anyway.

Some things in life cannot be fixed. They can only be carried

Megan Devine

Magic words to say when everything’s going wrong. (Not ‘everything happens for a reason.’) • 2015 Oct 30 • Tim Lawrence • Upworthy

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