waybread/an overliteral dissection
On this world, because we overvalue beauty, there is ugliness
Because we think we can judge what is good, there is evil
matter and anti-matter arise together,
what is hard and what is easy depends on experience
what is long and what is short depends on your velocity
what is high and what is low depends where on the potential energy curve you lie
a note played on an instrument can harmonize with the human voice
before and after depend on your position in space-time
So the wise make things happen without doing anything,
and they teach by showing, and not telling
Every particle is a wave and neither matter nor energy can be created nor destroyed—
So create, but do not bind your creation to you
Toil without expecting thanks
Concentrate your effort in the moment, and never keep score—
when you let go of everything, you can appreciate how the universe is eternal