the beginnings are always hard
it is the endings that I am used to
I have never truly watched the sun rise
an angry red fireball beneath the churning sea
but I have sighed forlornly at the sunset
beneath the crashing waves
extinguished by the cap of purple velvet night
but the hardest memories are right before the fall of night
with time to ponder the inevitable
there are the hours, when the sun still gleams
from behind the stern mountain face
the shadows aligned in a certain way
to know the day is ending
I dare not watch the sunset
stare instead at the eastern sky
above the ridge of barren mountains
gaze where my destiny leads me
I used to grieve
but now grief is my companion
and change my only friend
the shifting water mark of the tide
and the changing faces of the moon
don't sing to me about happily ever after
though I love the sunlight
I travel with the stars
the knight of pentacles
accoutered in black armor
visor down
homeward bound
though not even sure
home even really exists