
I'm not really all that mysterious

The Purpose of Being Male

See, males are not strictly required for the propagation of life. Human life, perhaps, but in time, the human male may… become anachronistic.

Nature basically created [males] as a snk for cosmic rays and other mutagenic agents. The generation of males maximizes the number of viable females, who are absolutely necessary for [the propagation of] life. In essence, Nature can afford for [males] to take the hit.

[Human] history [also] seems to illustrate this principle as well. After all, who gets destroyed in wars first? It’s no accident that entire generations of men have [ended up being] cannon fodder….

Self-improvement is masturbation. Now, self-destruction….

So where does that leave me [and my Y chromosome]? Waiting for the final exit, I’m afraid. But then again, this means any act of creation from a man is some sort of miracle. I don’t know. It seems to me that impending tragedy is a great catalyst for the generation of incredible beauty….

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