I am sitting in an airport terminal right now. I got here absurdly early (which is highly uncharacteristic) and I am bored out of my mind.
Not really bored. Troubled may be more accurate. Disturbed, better still, but unfortunately, it might be descriptive of me all the time and not just now. (My, that seemed convoluted…)
I am also thirsty, but unwilling to pay $5 for a drink. Actually, I don’t want to get up anyways.
Bored for me means this:
I start thinking of that girl I like, and how contradictory her behavior has been and how stupidly I’ve acted in front of her. How I haven’t seen her for a long, lonely time. How she might have met someone already. How I may or may not have lost my chance. (The ambiguity is staggering.) I need patience and courage.
I think I’ve decided what I want to do: exobiology. Could this be a serious field now? The recent discovery of possible life on Mars had excited me greatly.
Yay! My plane is here.
I also had a strange disturbing dream. While I pondered E=ρ²/2m, my brother appeared, complaining about the cold…. Eerily like that guy in Catch-22.
Maybe I should get ready to go.