tags: idiocy



2006 Oct 11

Oh, what was it I had meant to say? There are a million thoughts careening through my addled brain at this benighted hour, and I sit here tongue-tied like an idiot.

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2008 Sep 2
now I definitely can't sleep

I think I was supposed to learn something from this. I wish I knew what it was, though.



2010 Jan 8
that's probably pretty low on the differential

So I've got this pain in my right foot that's been bugging me for the past couple of days. It's not terrible pain, it's just annoying. Over the years, it's come and gone, and it's never really lasted long enough that I've thought much of it. What it probably is is just run-of-the-mill plantar fasciitis. I should probably just take some NSAIDs and do some calf stretching exercises.

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