tags: cosmology



2006 Sep 30
hopeless (another september come and gone)

I usually know better than to hinge my hopes on someone else being around, and yet I still hoped that I’d get to hang out with [redacted] this weekend. Wishful thinking as usual.

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2008 Apr 18
all water, all light

The water that falls upon the arid plain
was once the water that flowed in waves upon the deep dark sea
the water from the well that you drink with great thirst
the water that flows through the river, rushing down rapids swirling in eddies
the water that is your perspiration, that are your tears
and blood is made up mostly of water, and so is urine and bile

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2008 Apr 26
don't let's start


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2012 Mar 3
there are no happy endings, because nothing ever ends

There was a time after Edwin Hubble discovered the universe was expanding that I think a lot of people thought the universe was doomed to end. Gone was the idea that the universe was static and eternal. So it was either the Big Freeze, or the Big Crunch. Either the great heat death of the universe, or gravity would eventually halt the expansion and everything would come crashing back down into a singularity again.

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2016 Feb 12

Social media was abuzz with the news that gravitational waves have been detected.

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2016 Feb 16
Planet X and General Relativity

Newtonian mechanics predicted that there should be a planet inside the orbit of Mercury which they named Vulcan to explain Mercury's anomalous precession of its perihelion, but it turns out that what was really going on was due to the curvature of spacetime predicted by General Relativity.

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