tags: beauty



1992 May 6
The Passing of Beauty

Queen Beauty's reign, it is so brief
     upon this dark, benighted land
where life is but a candle flame
     that dies within a single breath
And life therein is only grief
     without the touch of Beauty's hand
     for all untouched succumbs to death
Her kingdom spans the starry sky
     beyond the mortal world, unseen
where seraphim, they freely fly
     and sing of their enduring love
for their fair, radiant maiden Queen

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2008 Apr 3
random quotes gleaned from the web

Twitter is an exercise in simulating Brownian motion in a network. It's kind of like the example of the drunkard trying to find his way from the bar by choosing a random direction at each intersection he crosses. Or, technically, I guess, it's a random walk on a graph, where instead of merely choosing cardinal directions, you could just as easily choose walking through a tunnel, down a diagonal, or up a freeway on-ramp.

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