memories for Aug 4
Assuming we avert the Trumpocalypse and manage to remain a democratic republic (at least for the rest of my life), I imagine Democrats of the future will talk about Obama the same way we talk about FDR and the same way that Republicans talk about Reagan.
Prior to Medicare and Medicaid and before employee-provided health insurance, health care was a luxury only the wealthy could afford, and most diseases and all cases of severe trauma were completely untreatable. I'm not sure why people think the era before the advent of antibiotics, modern emergency rooms, and positive-pressure ventilation was all that great.
· Read more…2015
I've always been skeptical of many of the claims that people who are pro-Singularity have made regarding Moore's Law.
· Read more…It's been five months give or take since I decided to move my blog to a new domain and to migrate all my entries to Jekyll.
· Read more…2013
Descriptive/positive statements may or may not be political (although there are those who argue that epistemologies based on descriptivism/positivity are inherently political.) But prescriptive/normative statements (explicit or implied) are always political.
· Read more…2006
Don’t ask me why. I decided to drink a four pack of Red Bull. Hence, I am finding it extremely difficult to sleep.
· Read more…This song just lacerates my soul. It is the epitome of the anomie of post-modern existence. We are force fed lies, sanitized versions of tragedy, white-washed and censored versions of obscene truths, and we are made to choose between two different, polarized existences. Either you accept all the bullshit as fact, live your happy-go-lucky senseless life as a consumer of goods, or as cannon fodder for the state, nothing more than a replaceable cog in the machine, or you refuse to bow down, and earn ostracization or excommunication, indeed forcing you to fade-out from the consensual hallucination known as Reality™.
· Read more…2003
It’s sad some of the things that life can beat out of you.
· Read more…2001
A day in Chicago.
· Read more…Random movie pick. It was either this or Spartacus.
· Read more…