memories for Jul 25
It's ridiculous to argue that people in this country don't get killed for political reasons.
· Read more…2012
This is always the hour that can bring me to utter despair, after the sun disappears beneath the horizon, and I'm alone with nothing but my thoughts. But this too will pass. Anything is bearable if you wait long enough. One way or the other.
· Read more…2007
My soul→seethes, burns
This vanity this self-deceit
stripped of all meaning
The noise of the teeming crowd
as wounding as the dead silence
I think The Earthsea Cycle will always have a place in my heart. The three key fantasy novels/series that I am heavily influenced by are The Lord of the Rings, The Last Unicorn, and The Earthsea Cycle. And because of the accidents of time and space, I think I will never escape the popular culture influences of “Star Wars” or of the Harry Potter series. Not that the latter two don’t have any merits. It’s just that I simply don’t consider them to be in the same class as the first three.
· Read more…I don't think you can really call it love, but still…
· Read more…I’m still ruminating about the end of the Harry Potter saga. The mainstream media’s reaction has always interested me. They continue to be bemused by the idea of a novel taking the world by storm, and infiltrating popular culture. Never mind the fact that people were writing “Frodo Lives!” on subway walls 40 years ago, or the fact that The Lord of the Rings trilogy was extraordinarily successful, and, as far as wizards go, Gandalf the Grey is as well-known as Merlin, and is arguably the favorite and most-beloved of wizards amongst nerds and geeks world-wide.
· Read more…This is just a quick outline of the steps I took, which I hope to fill in as time goes on.
· Read more…The though was "betrayal"
or maybe it was "onus"
The unpayable debt, the blood price
(And if I paid it, would I be free?)
My memories are of Atlas lifting the world on
his shoulders
Sisyphus rolling up the Stone.
The karyatid crushed beneath the load…
lots of major arcana in today's reading:
· Read more…I’ll be OK. Really. Come hell or high water.
· Read more…2000
OK, I'm slacking. There's a lot of shit to do. I essentially have another three weeks off… I only really have class on Mondays and Tuesdays. I really have to force myself to write every day. If I had known… I would've really wanted to take a trip somewhere, but it's too late to get a cheap fare. I must write that e-mail to [redacted]. I don't know why I even bother. This is going to drive me insane.
· Read more…1999
To transcribe this, or not to transcribe this. Well. I wonder if this will just languish unread, and what will happen if it doesn't. Oh well. Too late now. Names and identifying details have been elided to protect the innocent. Hi! How are you?….
· Read more…