memories for Apr 23
A duality:
· Read more…2006
I foolishly decided to take a nap at 6:45 p.m., but my alarm failed to go off, so I didn’t wake up until 10:30 p.m., which is a shame, because I had intended to go to the bookstore. Ah well.
· Read more…2004
I just realized that Blosxom won't let me use category names that start with a number (like, for example 3p-omni) and this is for good reason: so that dates don't get confused with category names and vice-versa. Of course, I was dissatisfied with renaming the category to something like thirdpersonomniscient, so I decided to hack on the source (which is probably a bad idea, but I can't do this as a plug-in)
· Read more…2001
Pancreatitis sucks. Getting to Europa via Antarctica, the International Space Station, and Mars.
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