memories for Mar 26


2007 Mar 26
treacherous conniving always beats a frank show of force (a discussion of duty and honor)

By various convolutions, I am led to the old, laughable screed by Kim du Toit entitled ”The pussification of the western male” written way back in 2003. I find what he says so ridiculous that I have a hard time believing that this guy is serious.

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2006 Mar 26
the sin of pride

I was walking through the Science Fiction and Fantasy section of the Borders in Glendale when a totally random thought occurred to me. I think what brought it to my mind is the question: what is the cause of evil? I was flipping through random fantasy novels where characters are neatly pigeon-holed into Good or Evil, and clearly in the real world nothing is that obvious.

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2005 Mar 26
obnoxious cel phone users

so of course I can't go to sleep, despite the fact that I have to go in to work on Easter Sunday at 6am. For some reason, I feel all wired. Of course, it could be all that caffeine I consumed today.

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2004 Mar 26
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

There is something eerily familiar about this movie. Perhaps it's just my weird fascination with the malleability of the mind. Some of the movies I've been enjoying as of late involve anterograde amnesia (e.g., "Memento","50 First Dates") And of course, there's the whole field of inserting spurious sensory stimuli into people's brains (e.g., "The Matrix","Dark City", or "Vanilla Sky"/"Abre los ojos"—which reminds me, that last one is probably what "Eternal Sunshine" is closest to in many ways.)

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2003 Mar 26
Burning Out

Sometimes you just gotta curl up into a little ball and cry yourself to sleep. Then it’s easier to pull yourself together the next.

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2001 Mar 26

Redesigned again, if you noticed. I'm willling to do anything as long as it's not what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm waiting for my brother and my sister to come and visit me… due to my bizarre reasoning (M:G's song "No Sense of Reason" is now playing through my head…), they are arriving before I take my exam. Because of my full-grown phobia of airplanes, I keep imagining horrible things, but what can I do, life is like that, you really just have to keep your fingers crossed.

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