memories for Mar 17


2016 Mar 17
Self-Hosting AI

When an AI beats a human, it's really a team of developers who beat that human.

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2016 Mar 17
Order and Stability

People talk about "order" and "stability" as if they're one and the same, but order isn't stable. Order always requires energy to maintain. It's the state of maximum entropy that's stable.

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2016 Mar 17
Merrick Garland

Given the present focus on police brutality, defendant rights, and mass incarceration, the Garland pick is definitely controversial among progressives, but (1) he's still going to swing the court to the left especially since he's replacing Scalia and (2) it's unlikely that Senate will confirm him anyway.

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2006 Mar 17
maternalistic society

I was just thinking, with regards to my post about paternalistic societies and how some people keep using word that word, and I do not think it means what they think it means. What is probably even better for Empire building is a maternalistic society.

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