memories for Mar 16
In 1976, neither Ford nor Reagan had enough delegates to clinch the nomination, although Ford was leading.
· Read more…Even when the margins are insurmountable, you still have to play out the whole game. That's what gives democratic institutions their legitimacy. Demands to short circuit the process are demands for invalidating the entire system.1
· Read more…2006
This article is stupid. It discusses the evolutionary advantage of a patriarchal society, with definite disregard for the value of human life. While it is true that a rapidly growing society tends to overwhelm less rapidly growing societies, this article completely disregards the reasons—both biological and economic—why population growth slows. My feeling is that the natural tendency of populations is to grow rapidly. And while we have, for the most part, in industrialized nations, made the specter of starvation less prominent (although we all know people in the U.S. who are citizens who are starving), what we have not gotten a handle on is the cost of generating children.
· Read more…Now I haven’t read Harry Potter and the Half-Blooded Prince yet, but I stumbled upon the concept of the Horcrux randomly following links. The concept is familiar to any J.R.R. Tolkien fan, and clearly, there is at least one way known to create a Horcrux.
· Read more…But I think we all know this already. I was perusing an article entitled On having layout, and I am appalled by absurd inner workings of IE. Man, screw this madness. Designers should design solely for pure CSS and XHTML. There is a quote in there that I find incredibly disturbing—is this just something that folks who design for IE subscribe to, or is this philosophy applicable to software engineers who design Windows software?
· Read more…2004
I think I've too deeply internalized Zeno's Paradox. I am all about trying (and failing) to cover an infinite amount of distance in a finite amount of time—in less arcane terms, I have developed a perverse taste for the feeling of going nowhere fast.
· Read more…2003
Just when you thought it was over.
· Read more…be afraid. be very afraid.
· Read more…You just told me he was the most horrible person you know. You’re getting back together with him. Makes perfect sense to me.
· Read more…It is impossible to change someone if they don’t want to change. How tragic.
· Read more…