
I'm not really all that mysterious

Sexualizing Imperialism

I don’t know if this is really true, but it struck me that in that many cases, people describe the country that they’re from as the “motherland” when they’re immigrants or the children of immigrants. (And it’s generally no accident that the country they currently live probably colonized the country that they or their parents came from.)

Which makes me wonder if people who live in the country of their birth are more apt to use the term “fatherland”.

Which also reminds me that while we have “patriotism” we don’t have “matriotism”.

OK, actually, we do have matriotism, but its coinage definitely seems historically/politically revisionist.

matriotism · Google ngrams

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

At the Mouth of Monkeypatching Hell

For a while now, I’ve been trying to figure out a way to decrease the amount of time it takes [Jekyll][1] to render my blog. It now takes up to 6-8 minutes, which seems rather excessive.

So I tried pre-rendering a ton of pages instead of using Liquid to iterate through all date-based and tag-based archives, not to mention the custom taxonomies I implemented. But the place where Jekyll really gets stuck are the date-based and tag-based archives. I only recently found out that jekyll-archive actually disables incremental regeneration, which means I have to re-render the whole damn thing no matter what.

So jekyll-archive needed to go. And I started writing some code. And I think I might be on the verge of writing my own code engine, if I can figure out how to implement Liquid templates.

While on this long journey trying to rewrite the bulk of Jekyll functionality, being as how I’m just an amateur coder, I contemplated some crazy techniques. The Internet did successfully convince me that trying to subclass Array or Hash would be a horrific idea.

The Internet has not yet successfully convinced me of the madness of monkeypatching Time.

It feels wrong, but I’m not sure writing my own Time-like class is the right thing to do either.

Time will tell, I suppose.

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga