
I'm not really all that mysterious

Benedict Anderson

I just learned from L. that Benedict Anderson, the author of Imagined Communities died two days ago.

I read Imagined Communities for a Southeast Asian Studies class my freshman year in college, while I was deep in the throes of identity politics and learning postcolonial thought.

It was instrumental in my better understanding of the homeland of my parents, the Philippines. And it has been critical in the way I parse the media when they discuss our imperial adventures in far-away lands.

It has also been influential in the way I think about worldbuilding in fantasy and science fiction.

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga

Strive to Make Things Better for Others

I’m not a huge believer in the idea that if I endured some kind of hardship, then it should be OK for others to endure the same kind of hardship.

If you have the power to make things better for other people, then I think you should, even if you endured non-ideal conditions and rose above them to make you a better person.

And if you don’t have the power to make things better for other people because more powerful forces stand in your way, at least don’t be an apologist for the powers-that-be.

It Doesn’t Matter If You Turned Out Fine • 2015 Dec 14 • Olivia • skepchick

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga