
I'm not really all that mysterious

Complexity of Nutrition

People want simple answers to complex questions, so you end up with bad advice like “fat bad, carbs good”. Then when the experts point out this isn’t actually what the research suggests, the people who want simple answers moan and wail about how science always ends up contradicting itself and no one really knows anything, even though the research has always suggested the same complex answer. (crossposted on Facebook)

The Fats You Don’t Need to Fear, and the Carbs That You Do • 2015 Oct 19 • Jane E. Brody • Well • New York Times

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga


Seems fairly obvious that ISIL wants us to hate the people they are persecuting.

There is no place for bigotry in effective counterterrorism. Terrorist groups like al Qaeda and Islamic State thrive when they can exploit the vulnerable seams within a society, when they can exacerbate prejudices.

Professor James Forest, director of the graduate program in security studies and interim director of the Center for Terrorism and Security Studies at UMass Lowell (via Experts: Yes, Anti-Refugee Rhetoric Helps ISIS • 2015 Nov 24 • Sally Kohn • The Daily Beast

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga