Ruby-like Languages
I don’t code professionally, but I’ve been a programming dilettante since I was like eight years old #nerdalert
BASIC, 6502 assembly, Logo, Pascal. A little C. (Very little C). Lots and lots of Perl. Then Ruby. I suppose it’s the programming language I’ve stuck with the longest out of all of them, really.
But one of the biggest problems with interpreted languages in a world where Moore’s Law is starting to peter out1 is that it’s always going to be slow(er).
Now I’m not really sure that switching to a static-site blog generator written in a compiled language is necessarily going to cut down on my build times, but I’ve been looking.
(As an aside, apparently Jekyll works with JRuby now but I haven’t been able to successfully build JRuby.)
Which leads me to a list of languages with Ruby-like syntax:
On the etymology of peter out:
1846 US miners’ slang, from 1812 peter (“to become exhausted”). Various speculative etymologies have been suggested, either from St. Peter (from sense of “rock”), French péter (“to fart”), or saltpeter (ingredient in gunpowder, hence used in mining)
#Excursus ↩