Panspermia—the idea that the life started off-planet and managed to seed the Earth—is a recurrent trope in science fiction.
(Pseudopanspermia—the idea that the building blocks of life started off-planet—is still a widely entertained hypothesis in mainstream biology. It’s frequently noted that comets and meteors ejected from Mars contain amino acids.)
Star Trek: The Next Generation uses the panspermia hypothesis to explain why all the sapient species are humanoid. It turns out that an Ancient sapient species (who totally coincidentally look a lot like the Founders from the Dominion in Deep Space 9) colonized the entire galaxy and were the forerunners of the humans, the Vulcans, the Klingons, and the Cardassians.
Tangentially, a FriendFeed discussion about Darmok (ST:TNG S5E2) and the limitations of the Universal Translator.
See also: - Darmok (episode) • ST:TNG S5E2 • Memory Alpha - Shaka, When the Walls Fell • 2014 Jun 18 • Ian Bogost • The Atlantic