
I'm not really all that mysterious

Very Pacific Dreams

I dreamt that ミA彡 and I lived in post-apocalyptic Southern California after the sea level had risen 60 meters after catastrophic melting of the ice caps. The U.S. had collapsed, California was (once again) it’s own sovereign state, and the center of global power had moved to China and to South America.

generated by the Global Sea Level Rise Map

The main industry in post-ice-cap-melt California was hacking into corporate databases and reverse engineering electronic and high-fashion designs to 3D print cheap knock-offs, and one of the hackers in our commune had discovered that we were going to be invaded by Paraguayan pirates (because at this point in time, Paraguay was no longer a landlocked country. And with the collapse of Argentina after Buenos Aires was swallowed by the sea, Paraguay annexed large portions of southern South America, reaching all the way to the Pacific Coast.)

generated by the Global Sea Level Rise Map

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