
I'm not really all that mysterious

message in a bottle

And I thought Bruno Mars was ripping off the Police. Check this out.

Nico and Vinz • Am I Wrong?

Apparently they played this somewhere when I was in Puerto Vallarta without Internet access. I think it caught my ear because of the melodic similarity to “Message in the Bottle” which is probably the Police track that I’ve listened to the most. So I transcribed a line of the song to search for later.

Almost a week later, I check my Notes app on my phone and find the following:

“So am I wrong, thinking we could be something for real?”

At first, I’m amused, thinking I’d bizarrely left myself a drunken love note.

Then I’m slightly horrified wondering if this was meant to be a drunken text that I luckily somehow entered into Notes instead of Messages

But, turns out, it was just a song lyric.

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