So I’ve been completely neglecting this blog, to the point where I didn’t even realize my web host had suspended it (I’m not entirely sure why. I thought I was still paying for hosting, but I guess I was wrong.)
It’s been ten years now since I first started blogging, and I totally missed the anniversary of my blog. Which is not that surprising since I haven’t posted anything for the last three months.
I’m not entirely sure why I’ve stopped blogging, really. It’s not like I ever had a significant audience, so it’s not like it’s because people stopped reading my stuff. It’s not because I don’t have any free time, because I probably have far more free time these days than I’ve had at any other time in the last ten years. I might blame Facebook and FriendFeed, because I do tend to just post status updates and other sundry comments less than 350 characters in length rather than sitting down to compose a full-on blog post, but I’m beginning to suspect it’s a symptom of something deeper.
Let’s be honest, 350 characters—while far superior to a mere 140 characters—is still nowhere near enough for something of significant depth. And I think I’m starting to long for that depth again.
Or maybe not. There’s a lot to be said about just skimming the surface, and not dredging up the buried detritus and debris of the past. Which is something that I tend to do this time of the year. And it tends to really get me down.
Still, now that I got this blog up and running again, I might as well use it. For the past 10 years, it’s been a good way for me to work through a lot of my convoluted thoughts, and maybe I’m starting to feel the negative effects of not paying attention to the nagging doubts and misgivings that often plague my addled mind. What you don’t know can still serious f- you up.