
I'm not really all that mysterious


Bewilderment spins mercilessly around my heart
weaves/binds/patterns/stitches, embedded like magical runes
threads of fate, minutest of imperfections becomes a message
that I cannot decipher, much less interpret

the last few thousand days far exceed the extent of my ken
elude the limits of my perception
more like meaningless, patternless ribbons of light,
photons swarming hither and thither
sparking random garbled currents coming out to gibberish
in the quivering gray jelly encased, entrapped in my skull
what does it all mean? does it even mean anything?
how did this come to pass? am I really seeing what I’m seeing?

Foolishly I stumble down the broken, shattered road
and not even the stars light my way this night, nor any night
these fragments perhaps meant for me to find
not to fix, realign, re-grade
but merely to record what has come to pass
misrepresented/misinterpreted as an straight and unerring line to destiny
the story always comes long after the event transpires
and the ending is happy or tragic only depending on where you cut it short

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