
I'm not really all that mysterious

through the gate

Out of the desert
I am come to thine gates
I bring the emptiness of the wilderness
and the silence of the bitter wind
unlooked for, I crossed that threshold
no one cared whither I went or no
among the teeming masses
I am but one man
voice drowned out by the bazaar
the moneychangers
the tax collectors
the merchants
the con artists
I tread the worn-down road
a million footprints
turning the soil into concrete

Out of the desert
and through the mountain pass
and the river valley rift
where continents collide
and shear and tear
the planets in conjunction on my left
heralding the rising sun
I steal past like a thief
and in that sea of chrome, the halogen headlights
illumining the six lanes ahead
thrumming underneath me
the sound of inevitability

The future becomes present
and predictions are hard coded into the archives
the road ahead
exceeding our wildest fantasies
giving form to the nightmares that crawl and burrow
as they feed on our grey matter
these parasitic atavisms
that remind us we come from primordial slime

and how is it that green goop
came to dream of God?

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