
I'm not really all that mysterious

the failure of vista

It seems to be conventional wisdom that Microsoft Vista sucks, and most Windows users are not going to be comfortable with switching to a Linux distro. (Mostly because they can’t play their games, but my advice for them is to invest in a PS3 or a Wii, or buy a Mac and install Parallels so that you have Windows around whenever you need to get your game on.)

But what is most intriguing about this Slashdot article that trashes Vista is that the author goes into detail about the idea of downloading movies online and somehow zapping it to your TV. Which happens to be what the Apple iTV does. Maybe Steve J. was onto something after all.

You could also get by with buying the connection kit that hooks your video-capable iPod or your iPhone to a TV, but I suspect the resolution wouldn’t be as good.

posted by Author's profile picture mahiwaga