memories for Feb 8
It's true that technology lets us produce products and content at a much faster rate and at a much greater volume but if Sturgeon's Law is correct (90% of everything is crap) then we're also producing almost a magnitude of order more crap vs. product/content at a much faster rate and at a much greater volume.
· Read more…2008
It seems to be conventional wisdom that Microsoft Vista sucks, and most Windows users are not going to be comfortable with switching to a Linux distro. (Mostly because they can't play their games, but my advice for them is to invest in a PS3 or a Wii, or buy a Mac and install Parallels so that you have Windows around whenever you need to get your game on.)
· Read more…2004
I'm not much of an IRC'er, so I don't even really know what bots are supposed to do, other than auto-replying. but this project on caught my eye just with its name: Ebotula. it sounds like some novel bioweapon, a combination of Ebola and botulism. scary.
· Read more…2003
For the men and women who risked their lives in pursuit of a pure dream.
· Read more…2001
False spring, tech woes, wisdom teeth, “Snatch”, the RIAA, and Ebola.
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