
I'm not really all that mysterious

version targeting: render unto microsoft what belongs to microsoft

I agree that Microsoft should have to deal with their own backward-compatibility quagmire without burdening web developers. The author brings up the IE-dependent components of Windows and other legacy, propietary software solutions (for example, the emergency department at one of the hospitals I work at uses an IE-dependent computerized physician order entry (CPOE) and charting system) and these are less trivial to upgrade to standards-compliance than a web site would be.

But why bother web developers with having to add kludges to their already standards-compliant code?

What Microsoft will probably need to do is continue to support two modes of operation: (1) legacy-brokenness and (2) standards-compliance. The default will have to be legacy-brokenness because, as the author of the article points out, it may not be trivial to add meta tags to legacy code. IE8 will probably have to continue relying on DOCTYPE declarations to figure out if it needs standards-compliant rendering.

While this may seem to be just as burdensome to web developers, at least it’s already a documented standard. And while it may seem to tacitly acknowledge IE6/IE7 as the de facto web standard, the browser scene is no longer hegemonically dominated by Microsoft, with the emergence of Firefox, Safari, and most importantly, web browsers that run on mobile phones. Anyone today who develops a site or webapp explicitly for IE6/IE7 is asking for a stream of angry phone calls about their site or webapp not rendering properly on the growing number of non-IE platforms.

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