
I'm not really all that mysterious

giving up on rails on dreamhost

Since I’m only averaging about 500 hits per day, shared hosting should theoretically be sufficient for my purposes. Alas, Mephisto continually dies on Dreamhost, and since I couldn’t get my kludgery to work (mostly because I can’t seem to install the mysql gem on my local setup), I gave up completely and found a host that actually supports Rails.

Migrating was not exactly pain free, but hopefully my domain name will propagate completely by tomorrow or the next day. I’m not sure why Mephisto started failing to run on Dreamhost. My logs were not at all helpful.

Whatever. Hopefully, I’ll get a decent job starting this summer, and the webhosting fees will stop feeling so significant. Either that, or I’ve got to start using Adsense. And maybe I’ll end up migrating all my sites away from Dreamhost at this rate.

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