
I'm not really all that mysterious

san diego politicians make me sick

While Governor Schwarzenegger, Mayor Jerry Sanders, and Representative Duncan Hunter continue to fellate each other about what a good job they’re doing, I’d like to point out that the evacuation effort actually underscores the fact that the victims of Hurricane Katrina were grossly mistreated and neglected.

The contrast between Hurricane Katrina and the San Diego wildfires points out the fact that if you are poor, and dark-skinned, your country will abandon you and let you rot in hell and will in fact send mercenaries over to shoot the place up, but if you are reasonably well-to-do, and light-skinned, everyone will be falling all over themselves to give you “lavish buffets” and back rubs.

And I invoke Kanye West obligatorily when I say: George Bush only cares about white people.

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