
I'm not really all that mysterious

never what you expect

So, yes, now it’s Simplelog, yet another blog engine running on Ruby on Rails. I guess I’ll be sticking to the stable distribution right now, although it doesn’t look like the codebase has really been touched in the past 6 months.

That’s one of the things with Mephisto. All the neat stuff is in trunk, and the last stable version is pretty old. Supposedly, trunk works pretty well, but the problem is that it needs Edge Rails, which adds another confounding factor when the app crashes and burns.

It seems like GoogleBot and Yahoo Slurp have stopped killing my site. I guess Mephisto on a Dreamhost shared hosting plan is destined to crash and burn, anyway. Ah well.

Now the problem is that the importer is not working as advertised. You have to create an MT Import Format file, which is actually a piece of cake with Ruby and Rails. However, the importer doesn’t want to read the one I generated, and peeking through the source, it looks like it doesn’t import comments anyway. Bleh.

So it looks like a little more Ruby and Rails hackery for me. One thing that was nice about Mephisto is that it has a rather robust import system, at least once you know the source schema. Let’s see if I can reverse the puppy and have it write to SimpleLog’s DB instead.

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