less portentious than that
OK, I didn’t mean to make my last post sound ominous. Maybe it’s because tomorrow is June 6. (You know, 6/6/06. I don’t think the Devil really gives a damn about the vagaries of the Julian and Gregorian calendars, so it probably doesn’t have any significance to him, although it may very well have significance to some Satanist or nihilistic terrorists a la Columbine.)
But, yeah, I’m obsessing on that imagery of the Unhealing Wound, and I realize that I haven’t been taking good care of myself. The way I’m living my life (specifically, the way I’m eating and not exercising and not getting enough sleep, and all that) gives me another good 15-20 years tops, which, in all honesty, seems like plenty, but I suppose I should make sure those years are good ones, and that none of them involve cardiac catherization or cracking my chest open to sew in some bypass grafts.
I wonder about the chicken-and-the-egg problem: does your emotional state determine your state of physical health, or does your physical health determine your emotional state, and clearly the two things are intertwined, and while it looks like this is an insurmountable task, to eat healthy, and to get in shape, you know what K’ung-fu-tzu said, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and all that.
The other thing that I was pondering during my trek down the I-5 this evening are noctilucent clouds, basically clouds that form way high in the atmosphere that glow in the dark becauses they’re so high they’re actually still getting sunlight. Some tie this phenomenon to global warming (which is on my mind because of “An Inconvenient Truth”) but I think the jury is still out.
Still, I don’t think I can tell the difference between a noctilucent cloud, and clouds that glow because they’re reflecting the ambient light from the surrounding city. I’ve frequently been bedazzled by this effect as a child during the summer, when it’s like 11 p.m. and the sky still looks like twilight. At least that’s what I’m pretty sure the phenomenon is caused by. I could be wrong.
Have I ever told you that I’m not looking forward to my 30th birthday?