
I'm not really all that mysterious

northbound on the I-5

As I was driving to work this morning, I thought about how it’s been a while since I’ve been up to the Bay Area and how long it’s been since I’ve seen my friends from college. Immersed in this reverie, I almost passed my exit, and I thought about just driving all the way up the I-5, past L.A., down into the Central Valley, out to the Bay.

In the end, I cut across two lanes to get to my exit and went to work anyway. But I still fantasize about just heading up there on Friday then try to drive back down on Sunday. Madness, and 16 hours of my weekend gone. I don’t think I have a three day weekend coming up anytime soon, and besides, the 5 is always a clusterfuck whenever there’s a three-day weekend (After an insane 12 hour trip from L.A. to Berkeley in 1997 when my bladder almost burst, I vowed never again to drive the 5 during a long weekend.) But, still. Who cares if gas costs $3 a gallon?


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