
I'm not really all that mysterious

trying a new blog engine

So I tried this once before but then I lost my admin password and so had to delete the nascent blog (previously at, which no longer exists), and there are all sorts of things that have kept me from jumping onto the Wordpress bandwagon, which I will go into detail later, but since Dreamhost makes it blindingly easy to install Wordpress, I figured, what have I got to lose but a little precious sleep and a little rarefied sanity. (By the way, don’t let the term SQL Server scare you, even though it scared the crap out of me, and is one of the reasons why I’ve been slow to adopt the newest shiny thing. Just fill in the blanks in semi-random fashion, just making sure that you write things down somewhere. Especially that admin password.)

So without further ado, here is my new blog1, although I may not quite abandon this one just yet.

  1. on the WayBack Machine:


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